- Always start with "Introduction to Merit Badges" for the steps to a successful merit badge.
- Worksheet for Aviation from Usscouts.org. This is a great tool to organize your work, projects and thoughts.
- Civil Air Patrol: Youth aged 12-18 can fly and participate in their Cadet Program.
- Plug for a flying career: The United States Air Force
- Model Airplane News online--blogs, plans, videos and more. Serious hobbyist website.
- Serious discussion on lift. Complete with math formulas.
- Details on aircraft instruments: how they are arranged, what they do and what they look like.
- A little airplane fun: 10paperairplanes.com has animated instructions to fold 10 great planes.
- Federal Aviation Administration--home to all the rules, saftey procedures and accident/incident information.
- National Aviation Hall of Fame--lots to see and do here (especially their Learning Center).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Merit Badge of the Week: Aviation
Weekend Patrol Box #17
- Great American Backyard Campout--Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Scouters and families can all help make this an annual event at your house!
- Camping sale at Scoutstuff.org ends Sunday, 31 MAY:
- Cub Scout friendly project (Gardening merit badge, too): How to grow corn in a container
- The Phantom Torso Returns--OK, definitely a Space Exploration merit badge topic from NASA.
- American Red Cross is having an event: 01-07 JUN is National CPR/AED Awareness Week. Local Red Cross organizations are sponsoring events.
- Minnesota's Anthony Thomas is Eagle Scout #2,000,000. Congratulations!
- Popsticks--anyone have one? I have one coming and I'll report on it here. Appears to be a neat gadget and could save a lot of trees from "marshmallow terror".
- New Scouter blog with advice on using Twitter. (Try @scoutsigns to see!)
- Advice on overnight camp: is your child ready?
- Scouting News has information on a pilot program to use jetskis with Boy Scouts in the Blue Ridge Mountain Council. Please don't tell my son...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Speak up!
Recently I posted about becoming a BSA Speaker.
- Nice letter with a gold BSA Speaker lapel pin.
- 60 page booklet on "Good Turn for America Tips for Success" aimed at encouraging participation in reporting Good Turn for America projects.
- Detailed information on the webpage for the BSA Speakers Bank.
- A collection of websites useful to speakers: Scouting.org, the BSA Brand Identity Guide, Speaking of Scouting, The Scout Zone, Scoutstuff.org, Information Center, Language of Scouting and the online Insignia Guide.
- Step-by-step instructions on adding BSA Speakers to your MyScouting profile.
- Instructions on getting "Be Prepared I'm Prepared" brochure and Powerpoint presentation.
- Nice guide called "Be Prepared" with flip pages on each Scouting program with FAQs, as well as a page for Charterd Organizations.
- 100 years of Scouting bumpersticker
- BSA Speaker ribbon
- Certificate from Robert Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive, appreciating my service to Scouting.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Weekend Patrol Box #16
National Honor Patrol Award, cloth, No. 00367, Boy Scout, beneath patrol emblem of patrol that has met the standard.--Scouting.org
Great way to begin the weekend!
One of our patrols has earned the National Honor Patrol Award, which they will receive at our Court of Honor next weekend. They worked on it as a patrol, with little interference from the adults. It is a great example to set for our new patrol of former Webelos, the Bloody Sharks.
Here are a few spices to enjoy with your Memorial Day Weekend patrol box:
- The Best Patrols from Scouting magazine. Includes National Honor Patrol requirements.
- Prone to blisters when hiking? Everything you wanted to know about taping them.
- Finally, it's back--Merit Badge of the Week: Automotive Maintenance
- Great series on Webelos to Troop conversion at The Trainer's Corner.
- Immersion training for the New Scout Patrol--part 1, part 2 and part 3.
- Webelos Scout, not Webelos--got it. Thanks KISMIF.
- Arbor Day Foundation--BSA tree for the 100th Anniversary. You buy one, and another will be planted in the "newly created Boy Scouts of America Centennial Forest" for each tree you purchase.
- Be a BSA Speaker--easy to do, and I'm all signed up. Anyone need a speaker?
- Name that council! Each week, BSA's Cracker Barrel blog posts a council shoulder patch with the words blocked out for you to try and figure out. Patch hounds will probably know, and interesting for the rest of us.
- In honor of Memorial Day--everything you always wanted to know about it.
How will your troop or pack spend the Memorial Day weekend? Anything exciting? Share your plans with us in the comments.
Scoutsigns on Twitter.
Webelos Scout to Boy Scout, part 3
- 11 year-old Scouts can handle the Wilderness Survival merit badge.
- This was a great way to stress the importance of the 10 essentials.
- Wilderness Survival merit badge can be taught well and effectively as a group. The more experienced Scouts had plenty of leadership opportunities to teach and demonstrate skills.
- The Scouts figured out how little they really need to go camping or backpacking. Subsequent camping trips have had gear slashed food is well thought out (usually) to account for weight and necessity.
- They have figured out how to make each thing they bring do 2 or 3 jobs.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
BOGO at Scoutstuff.org
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Webelos Scout to Boy Scout, part 2
Merit Badge of the Week: Automotive Maintenance
- It is one of the "fumes"--perfumes and car fumes.
- Eagle Scouts may have a driver's license in my house. Get busy.
The American love of the automobile is legendary. Monster trucks, radio controlled cars, the '57 Chevy, and even the pinewood derby feed our imagination for things that go fast!
The Merit Badge History page at Usscouts.org shows this attraction to Boy Scouts goes back to 1911 with the Automobiling merit badge.
Automotive Maintenance (the name just changed from Auto Mechanics) was awarded 7480 times in 2007, the most recent year for the data. (BSA Fact Sheet)
As cars and trucks become more computerized, there are evolving changes to what can be maintained now. Even changing a headlight can require time and special tools. Maintaining your own vehicle can save you time and money, too.
- Always start with Introduction to Merit Badges for the steps to a successful merit badge.
- Worksheet on Automotive Maintenance from Usscouts.org. This is a great tool to organize your work, projects and thoughts.
- Automotive terms from About.com.
- NPR's Car Talk show: My kids love this show as much as I do. Some of your Scouts might recognize their voices from characters in Pixar's movie Cars. New show every week.
- Car Talk's Teen Driver Area
- Car Talk's Search of 1500 columns
- Change a tire, step by step. Funny and good details.
- Change the oil, at Edmunds.com.
- Check the fluids! Concise list to keep everything working right. Missing fluids are really bad...
- Automotive careers--lots of information on a wide variety of car related careers
Related BSA merit badges: Traffic Safety, Truck Transportation
Do you have a resource for the Automotive Maintenance merit badge? Please share via email or the comments below.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Webelos Scout to Boy Scout
"The Trainer's Corner" blog has been running a series on getting Webelos Scouts ready and into a troop.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
BSA Speaker
Do you really love the Boy Scouts of America?
The BSA Speakers Bank is a national resource for volunteers and executives that provides BSA speakers with a centralized resource of speech templates, topics, and other presentation tools for use at the local, regional, and national levels. This asset will serve as a critical component as we re-introduce Scouting to communities across America.To become part of the Speakers Bank, you need to contact your Scout Executive as only the SE can enter you into the Speakers Bank. There are speeches and powerpoint presentations available online to help you out.
Friday, May 01, 2009
April Tweets
Most Popular Tweets
1. http://ow.ly/3rZL | Positive essay on the Boy Scouts! http://ow.ly/3rZL | 317 Clicks |
2. http://ow.ly/2xC7 | Great American Backyard Campout--add to your calendar!http://ow.ly/2xC7 | 113 Clicks |
3. http://ow.ly/4qsd | Boy Scouts bad for the environment? http://ow.ly/4qsd | 112 Clicks |
4. http://ow.ly/2Pip | Picture speaks volumes...Tetanus Guide for Hikers and Adventurers | sectionhiker.com http://ow.ly/2Pip | 98 Clicks |
5. http://ow.ly/2xmf | Weekly Patrol Box #14 up http://ow.ly/2xmf What Scouting blogs do you like? Leave in comments! | 68 Clicks |
6. http://ow.ly/3qwy | Just once I'd like to be this organized...http://ow.ly/3qwy How organized is your pack or troop? | 24 Clicks |
7. http://ow.ly/3ytw | Scouters! Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter (that Don't Involve Breakfast) - Feature http://ow.ly/3ytw | 21 Clicks |
8. http://ow.ly/3OQb | A different Boy Scout Trail http://ow.ly/3OQb Another great Arbor Day idea. | 20 Clicks |
9. http://ow.ly/3lHI | Leave No Trace Blog: To leave or not to leave... Firewoodhttp://ow.ly/3lHI | 19 Clicks |
10. http://ow.ly/3Rwu | Weekly Patrol Box #15 http://ow.ly/3Rwu | 19 Clicks |