Thursday, October 15, 2009

Merit Badge of the Week: Camping

Camping is the backbone of the Boy Scouts of America.  Super campers get to join the Order of the Arrow.

We dream about it, look forward to it each month (you do camp each month, right?), teach the skills and walk the walk.  No wonder Camping is one of the most popular merit badges of all puts the number over 4,000,000.  As of today, brings up 414 items when you search for "camping".

Sure we do lots of stuff, but what we communicate to the public, and what former Scouts and Scouters talk about, are the adventures in the outdoors.

Remember the time it rained for 48 straight hours...
We used to drop the poles on our SPLs tent...
Cheese racing...

Resource List
  1. Always begin with an Introduction to Merit Badges from the BSA--and the worksheet from
  2. The official requirements for Camping.
  3. Camping merit badge book--read it!
  4. 3 appropriate campfires--snack fire, cooking fire, and comfort fire:  learn them, use them right (courtesy of Art of Manliness)
  5. Wilderness First Aid training is available--Scouting magazine back-issue online discusses with websites for resources.
  6. Wilderness Medicine Institute at the National Outdoor Leadership School--courses for students and professionals.
  7. Introduction to Topographic Maps from the Geospatial Training and Analysis Cooperative (whew!) and free maps to print out.
  8. Winter layering advice from
  9. Great advice on repair, maintenance and storage of your camping gear (including checklists)--catch all 11 pages (page numbers under each section).
  10. Camp Sanitation--still a lot of great advice from the American Journal of Public Health (July 1925!)

Do you have a favorite camping story?  What times of the year are most appealing to you?  Any place you won't camp?  Comment below or tweet away!

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