There is probably a bigger post to be made about transitioning your unit to the next leader, but this isn't that post.
This is just a quick thought, and more of a question: if something happened to you tomorrow, what would happen to your units? Would it survive?
Or would it wither and dwindle?
Or would it outright collapse?
Part of the answer is in how involved you are. If you do everything (one-man shows are common), the effects will be more severe. If you have a strong committee, the detrimental effect might be more short-lived.
After a lot of thought, I have come up with a "got hit by a bus" plan, and will be approaching those leaders shortly. The boys shouldn't have to miss a beat, and I'll feel better knowing that there is someone who knows he is to pick up the reins.
Don't get me wrong: I have no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon. I've got two more sons to get to Eagle Scout and a grandson to get to Eagle, and hopefully a lot more by then.
But I will "be prepared" and "do my best".
Do you have a plan? Share it in the comments--I really want to know if anyone else has thought this through.