Thursday, October 01, 2009

September's Top Tweets

September was a busy month.  1477 times someone interested in Scouting clicked on a link that I thought would be of interest.

That is a lot of interest!  I appreciate your support to help make Scouting even better.

Here are the top 10 tweets for September:

Weekend Patrol Box #19
150 Clicks
Weekend Patrol Box #21
121 Clicks
Weekend Patrol Box #20 
118 Clicks
Different! Centennial BSA Program Helps for
Cub Scouts...
99 Clicks
BSA "Nothing but Nets" Partnership 
82 Clicks
Great idea! I hope someone at Nat'l is recording
these great ideas! BSA logo corn maze 
56 Clicks
Merit Badge of the Week: Backpacking 
56 Clicks
Merit Badge of the Week: Bird Study 
51 Clicks
Hey, what popular youth program does
this sound like? Simple Family:
How to Steal From Your Kids
45 Clicks
Merit Badge of the Week: Basketry
40 Clicks

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